Unique Train the Trainer
Based on our experience in the BSM arena, we advocate “Train the Trainer” approach to end-user training. Our end-user training methodology and approach is based on successful capability transfer to Client “power users” who will roll out training to the organization. Apart from function specific trainings, these trainings will have highest focus to provide understanding on the new functionalities of upgraded modules in order to improve operations & business efficiencies. The End users &Functional leaders training will be covered through comprehensive training documents like Presentations, User Training Manual, and on job simulations.
The training will be instructor-led workshops, and conducted based on pre-approved business scenarios and use-cases. The group of people responsible for a particular task will be trained on end-to-end process flow. They will also have hands on experience with the new application. A training context will be needed to provide users with a technical environment in which they can learn new procedures hands-on. The training context will be shared across all areas of the project. Training data will be developed to reflect real business scenarios. To deliver training, we will use a variety of instructional tools and formats. Training materials will aim to cover the key topics and concepts attendees need to learn to use the new application for their work effectively.