BMC Helix ITSM Services

BMC Helix ITSM Services

BMC Helix ITSM Services

BMC Helix ITSM Quick Starter Services Pack

Helix ITSM Implementation (Quick Starter Pack)

  • Mapping of Business requirements to ITIL best practices and BMC ITSM workflow
  • Leverage BMC Helix Service Desk “Out of the Box” feature
  • Upto 50% reduction in implementation time
  • Predefined Catalogs and templates (Service Requests, Incident Management)
  • Ready-to-Upload “Foundation Data”
  • “Pre-defined Service Catalog” (Includes auto assignments, Auto Classification, SLA etc.)

Guaranteed Outcome

BMC Service desk Live (Web + Mobility)

  • Submit Services Requests and Incidents
  • Record and Resolve Incidents and Service Requests
  • Measure Incident and Request SLAs
  • Company Logo Branding
  • Log Problem tickets
  • Create Knowledge articles
  • Create and use Service Desk Reports
  • Submit and Resolve tickets on the web as well as on mobile/tablets

BMC Helix ITSM Regular Services Pack

Regular / Standard

  • Leverage BMC Helix ITSM and ITAM “Out of the Box” feature
  • End-to-End Automation of IT Processes
  • Mapping of Business requirements to ITIL best practices and BMC ITSM workflow
  • Automate IT Asset Discovery
  • Alignment and Functional Workshop Solution Design

Guaranteed Outcome

BMC Helix ITSM Live (Web + Mobility)

  • Submit Services Requests,Incidents and Changes
  • Record and Resolve Incidents, Service Requests and Changes
  • Measure Incident and Request SLAs
  • Log Problem tickets, Create Knowledge articles
  • Create and use custom ITSM Reports and Dashboards
  • Submit and Resolve service desk cases on the web as well as on mobile/ tablets
  • Auto Update CMDB Data and View on Asset Management
  • Auto ticket creation through the Monitoring system
  • Company Logo Branding
  • Reduction of tickets with the IT Use Case Automation
  • Refer Historical tickets upto 1 Year for Reporting purpose

Vyom Labs Helix Migrate
Services for BMC

Pain Points with On Premise Solutions


  • Cost to support and administer
  • Legacy support spend
  • High infrastructure costs


  • Painful upgrades
  • Out of date version


  • Poor Service quality
  • Lack of transparency into IT performance
  • Difficult to support

Lack of Innovation

  • Manual processes are slow and labor-intensive
  • Lack of agility to support speed of business

Why Migrate to SaaS?


  • Scale on demand
  • No need to manage infrastructure and licenses

Reduced Costs

  • No upgrades
  • No infrastructure upkeep or maintenance
  • Reduced overhead and resources

Faster Time To Innovation

  • Agility to deliver innovation & value to the business
  • Access to the latest innovation

Security & Compliance

  • SaaS vendors manage the security and compliance required for SW/HW

Access & Flexibility

  • Ability to provide employees to work anywhere
  • Better accessibility and ability to drive adoption

Why Vyom Labs for Helix Migration?

Best ROI for the Enterprise

  • Competitive pricing with Lower TCO in mind

  • Choice to “lift & shift” or go with a clean slate
  • % ROI in <6 months
  • End to end support services under one roof


  • Free Assessment / Health Check before migration
  • Significantly reduced risk in terms of business continuity due to familiarity of the tool
  • BMC APAC Partner of Choice (2016,2018, 2020)

Choice of

  • Vyom Labs offers Migration on your choice of Solutions
  • Hybrid deployment as well as Fully SaaS migration
  • No need to maintain BMC skill sets in-house

Add on Automation

  • AutomationEdge Bots
  • Ticket analysis tool to identify automation candidates
  • Ready Catalog for IT Automation cases – SAP Administration, Password Resets, AD account Management, etc.

How we do it? (Remedy On-Premise to Helix ITSM)

We implement your solution so that you can innovate

Health Check

Phase 1

Health Check

  • End to end support services under one roof
  • Assesses Current Environment
  • Quickly Reduces Migration Risk

Phase 2


  • Transfer All Types of Customizations and Integrations
  • Transformational Add-on’s Available (Chatbot, MCSM, BWF, etc.)
  • Migrates Foundational and Transactional Data

Contact our Experts to know more about BMC Helix ITSM Services